Functions of Lines

Line is one of the seven elements of art. It is considered by most to be the most basic element of art. 

In terms of art, line is considered to be a moving dot. It has an endless number of uses in the creation of art.

Line can control an viewer's eye. It can describe edges. It can indicate form as well as movement. It can also indicate value and a light source in drawing.

When line is used for value or shading, we most typically see it used in the form of hatching or cross hatching. Although these are arguably the most common forms of using line for adding value, there is an endless number of ways that it can be used. A simple way of thinking of a line is to imagine a point that moves.

The most common use of line is showing where an object ends. This type of line is called a contour line. Contour lines are most commonly called outlines.

Line can also create the illusion of form in a drawing. Line quality is the thickness or thinness of a line. By varying the line quality an artist can show form in a drawing with just the use of line.
Line can also indicate shadow and form through the use of cross contour lines. Cross contour lines follow the contours of the object. Much like running your finger around the form of an object.

Line- element of art. In terms of art, line can be described as a moving dot. Line is perhaps the most basic element of drawing.

Types of Lines
  1. Vertical lines - lines that move up and down without any slant.
  2. Horizontal lines - lines that are parallel to the horizon
  3. Diagonal lines - lines that slant
  4. Zigzag lines - lines made from a combination of diagonal lines
  5. Curved lines - Lines that change direction gradually
Line Variation – Adding interest to your lines is important in creating successful artwork
  1. Length in lines can be long (tall, strong, far) or short (small, cute, close).
  2. Width in lines goes from thin (delicate, slim, lightweight) to thick (strength, weight, power).
  3. Weight in lines means the continuous change of width. By varying the weight, one can capture energy, movement and even suggest when one object is in front of the other.
  4. Texture in lines defines how smooth or rough it is. Varying it can simply mean changing your working medium (for example, going from marker to charcoal or changing your digital brush).
  5. Style of lines refers to continuous, dotted, dashed or implied lines. Continuous or implied lines are great for leading the eye of the viewer in the direction you want them to go. Dashed or dotted lines are great for patterns, energy and calling for attention.
  • Direction - lines can move in any direction
  • Degree of curve - lines can curve gradually or not at all
  • Line quality or line weight - refers to the thickness or thinness of a line. By varying the line quality artists can make objects appear more 3-Deminsional and more interesting
Hatching and crosshatching - using lines to create value
  • Hatching - lines going in the same direction
  • Crosshatching - lines that cross

